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Some additional Big Rigs from Andy and Noah Holzer.

Knight Rider

This was my last year of Cub Scouts so I decided to build one of my
favorite cars for my last Pinewood Derby. KITT was from an old
television show called Knight Rider, the car is an '82 Firebird, Trans

My dad found a website that sells a scanner (the light in the front of
the car). It was for a larger scale car but we made it work with my
pinewood derby car. I had to learn to solder to get all of the small
wires connected to the circuit board. KITT came in second place in
the Webelo II race, it also got an award for Coolest Looking Car.

My dad worked to get a Big Rig race this year so we built two Big Rigs
for the race. We made mine look like the FLAG Mobile Unit 01, the
semi that fixed KITT on the television show.

The King

After building "The King" for Maximum Velocity’s Pinewood Derby
Times Volume 9, Issue 9 I knew what my first Big Rig would be, the King Hauler. I had never
built a Big Rig, but the first time I saw one I thought they were very
cool. So when BSA released their version for the 100th Anniversary of
Scouting I needed to get one to build.

The only trouble with the BSA kit is that one of the cardboard boxes
that the kit comes in is also used for the trailer box; that would
just not do. I built a box that could actually house The King. It
turns out that all of the five entries in this year's Big Rig Race had
built their own trailers out of wood.

Building a Big Rig is not much different than building a car (a lot
more wheels and axles to prepare), but the weight seems to sneak up
quicker (our max weight is 25 ounces). In any case, I would highly
encourage your group to have a Big Rig race.

From Pinewood Derby Times Volume 10, Issue 12

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