02 03 Pinewood Derby Stories and Photos from Maximum Velocity 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33


Sheriff Cruiser - Matt Penza

The fastest car in our race was my sheriff's car. This is the exact
car that I use on duty. Well a replica. I took photos of my sheriff's
car and downloaded them onto the computer. After sizing the photos I
made stickers out of them. The antennas are also the same on the real
sheriff's car. As you can see I added a light bar after modifying it,
a spotlight, and a push bar. This car weighed exactly 5 ounces. With
your Awana Speed Wheels and axles, this car set a track record!!!

Swimming Pool - David Kenison

My son, who just crossed over to Boy Scouts, decided to make his last
pinewood derby car to look like a swimming pool. He is on a swim team
and last year he made an Award Car and the previous year was a
Swimming Car. So it seemed appropriate to make a pool this year.

Jedi's Nightmare - Rodney Earp

Here is my son's 2012 car. It was designed, built and painted by him.
It won 1st in the pack and 21st in the district. We found out that a
pointed front end works okay if the track sensors are tabs. But at the
district race, sensor lights were used. I have video showing the car
not tripping the sensor till somewhere around the front wheel area.(1)
So, consider having a wider front end when you design a car next year.
Oh, by the way, my son uses the Storm Trooper each year on his car.
The Storm Trooper has done quite well using your lube, and other stuff
from your site. Thanks for all you do for pinewood derby racing!

(1) For more information on this issue, please see: Volume 7, Issue 12
- "Is Your Finish Line Providing Accurate Results"

From Pinewood Derby Times Volume 12, Issue 3

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