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Tres Pooches - Bob Richardson

We have a family pinewood derby every year after the Cub Scout derby.
This year I won a ribbon for the funniest car. The car also won 2nd in
the men's division. Lots of fun!

Luke's Ride - Bob Richardson

Luke's Ride was a fun car to build. It took first place at the Scout-
O-Rama race in Santa Maria, California, on February 6th in the bandit
class, which was open to adults and kids alike. Luke Skywalker was
bought as an action figure and cut in half. The wheels were colored
with an orange Sharpie pen. When my wife Carol saw the car, she
said,"Where in the world did you find a figure that looks like our
son Gene!"

King Boo - Justin Martin

Inspired from the character in the Mario Kart video game from
Nintendo, King Boo took 2nd (by a very close margin) in our pack race.
My son picked the design and helped sketch it on the block of wood and
did most of the base paint work. He was too young to use the tools for
the most part, and didn't have the patience that was needed to make
the car win just a few races. I didn't have the greatest tools with
which to work with, but it was all worth it to see the smile and
excitement on his face as he won race after race. The car was the talk
of the race.

To get the long nose on the front I had to re-drill the axle holes as
far back on the car as possible. The Boo figurine was from a Burger
King kid's meal; I epoxied it in, hoping it wouldn't fly off when it
hit the stop at the bottom. The aluminum engine and plastic exhaust
pipes were from toy cars. Because of the design of the car I could not
get the center of gravity as far back as I wanted, but tried by
drilling lots of holes and filling them with BB's. If I could do it
all over I might tweak a few things, but I can't complain about the
results -- plus I got some great memories, pictures, and video.

Read More at: Pinewood Derby Times Volume 10, Issue 3

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