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Here are a few more ducted fan cars from our readers.

Batman - Nicholas Burgess

Batman is powered by a Maximum Velocity fan with a 7.2V LiPo battery.
We used components of a mouse trap for the front bumper, and the
internal trigger mechanism to arm the car. Batman won the no-rules
race with a scale speed of 355mph (1.5 sec on a 30 foot best track).

Gulf Jet Car - Tom Burgess

The Gulf Jet is powered by two Maximum Velocity fans with two
independent power circuits, each energized with a 7.2V LiPo battery.
The integrated bumper actuated two triggers inside the car
simultaneously to arm the fans. The jet tubes were built by covering
two paper towel tubes with synthetic wood and then sanding them down
to a smooth finish. The car was slightly heavier than the Batman fan
car, so even with two fans it came in second place in the no rules
race with a scale speed of 297mph (1.8 sec on a (30 foot Best Track).

Mega-Fan - Richard Staron

Last year I ordered one of your propeller car kits, and it was
fantastic. For this year's derby I decided to try and go bigger. I
made a car with a 56mm fan. I was running it on five 10F, 2.7V
capacitors and a 12V battery pack (just short of the 14.8v the motor
could handle). The Mega Fan car is faster (about 0.4 seconds) than the
previous car. My design was a bit bulky; I hope to improve it for
next year.

From Pinewood Derby Times Volume 12, Issue 10

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